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Nicole is an escapist, and lover of fiction in all its mediums. They are often engrossed in stories, some they create themselves. They spend an inordinate amount of time watching television and films, playing video games, and daydreaming brainstorming. They don’t read as much as they’d like, but go up for Black heroes in sci-fi and fantasy. They hope to create and share Black magical stories.

They are:
+ Leo / Enneagram 9w8 / -NF-
+ Caffeine-addicted
+ Depressed (Chronically)
+ Neurodivergent (Presumed, undiagnosed)
+ Very Online (Tragically?)

Nicole writes commentary and critique about film, television, and popular culture and has been published on Black Nerds Create, Den of Geek, and Nerdist. They try to write for themselves at Delete this When I’m Dead. One of their favorite fictional universes is Doctor Who, and they explore the show from their Black, queer, femme perspective. You can follow their journey through space and time at Black TARDIS.

They build websites, usually on WordPress. They moderate communities, and manage multiple servers on Discord. They spin up VPS servers to play around with everything from blogs and CMS to productivity suites and game severs. They love open-source everything—fonts, graphics, and software. They will attempt almost anything once, but mostly leave the SysAdmin’ing to the professionals. View some of their web projects here.